
Check Out the Latest Beverly Ad

January 2012

The following ad appeared in the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on Tuesday, January 10, 2012. Click to view a full size version.

Text of the ad:

At Beverly Hospital, when it rains...it pours!!

We are Beverly RNs. For years, we have been asking hospital management to invest in our community hospital and provide safe quality care. Our professional demands have been ignored by management and we need your help...Tell the Beverly Hospital Board of Directors you are Standing With the Nurses in the fight for quality patient care at Beverly Hospital!

Beverly Hospital Board of Directors

Carlos Haro, Ph.D

Denton Guthrie,CPA
1st Vice Chair

Lyla Eddington
2nd Vice Chair

Rosemary Orozco

Don Nakanishi, PhD
Alma Perez
Anthony Solana Jr. Esq.
David I. Chambers
Mohammad Chaudry, MD
Kenneth Lawrence Cohen, MD
Aziz Khan, MD
Renee D. Martinez
Peter J. Marx, Esq.