
Button Up For a Fair Contract

April 2012

In April we will wear special campaign buttons to demonstrate that we’re firmly behind our bargaining team, and to send a message to our co-workers and coalition partners that we’re strong, united and committed to winning a fair contract.

Check out the back side of this flier for your facility's Button up Day!

“Every UNAC/UHCP member needs to stand up in these negotiations because their work unit, benefits, retirement, wages, work environment all depend on contract language.”
--Cherie Sloan, RN, Anaheim Hospital‐KOCPA

Check out the back side of this flier for your facilities Button up Day!

Our campaign to win a fair contract is about advocating for a Secure, Healthy Future, Together.

Security: We have a great pension and at the point that we need it, we will have dedicated our entire career to making Kaiser a successful corporation. In this contract we intend to secure our future. No takeaways on our pension benefits!

Health and Happiness: We take care of people with chronic diseases and know the impact of having inadequate health insurance on families. Equally important we are committed to working in the community and with our Kaiser Health plan members to achieve a state of overall improved health. Additionally, we are committed to increasing our goals of having a healthy workforce, taking care of our own health and that of our families. But we say no way to takeaways in our health insurance!

Together We Win: As long as we are united, strong and actively support our union, we will win a fair contract. Together we will say no to contract takeaways!