
Beverly Schnelle—Quilting Off Into the Sunset

March 2014

BevSchnelle_VoiceImage_MarchApril2014Missy the Bassett hound has taken up howling every morning when Beverly Schnelle leaves for her job as UNAC/UHCP’s HR & Benefits Administrator. Bev swears that Missy knows she’s retiring in February. “I’ve been telling her all about it,” she says. March will find Bev and her 92-year old mother taking a first trip to Hawaii. Then she plans to settle in for some serious quilting—a 30-year hobby. She might find a quilting shop that needs a teacher. She’ll also see more of her three children and eight grandkids.

Bev was hired by longtime UNAC/UHCP Treasurer Delima McDonald almost 24 years ago. They hit it off right away and are still friends. Bev thinks of UNAC/UHCP as a union that’s devoted to its members and employees both. “I’ll miss talking to the members,” she says. “They’re terrific. They’re the heart of this union. I leave with a big thank you for their support of their union. Without them, we wouldn’t have any of this.” The State Office will miss Beverly. We wish her the best in retirement.