Beverly RNs Win Major Grievances
April 2013
Thanks to the work of our members who spoke up, and the teamwork of our UNAC/UHCP officers and Staff Representative, our Union has reduced and/or eliminated verbal and written warnings for perhaps hundreds of RNs.
Our Union won positive results on two Association grievances, which is a grievance affecting more than two members:
1. Well over a hundred UNAC/UHCP-represented RNs were given Corrective Action from management for failure to abide by the Attendance Policy. We grieved this because the hospital had not consistently enforced it in the past, then suddenly started writing up our members.
2. Approximately 70 of our members received Corrective Action involving issues related to wound care.
Victory #1: Attendance Violation
Our BHRNA officers, Isaac Saroia, Mirka Bojarczak, Mayet Riva and Susan Justin, met with Beverly Hospital CNO Kathy Wojno, Labor/Employee Liaison Kelli Garcia and ICU/TELE/Emerson Director Melinda Azaula for a Step 2 grievance meeting on this issue. Our officers discussed the overwhelming concern from our members about receiving verbal and written warnings for tardies and sick calls that dated back to December 2012. The verbal and written warnings were given on a policy that had not been enforced for years in many departments.
Management responded that they gave advance notice in staff meetings that they intended to begin enforcing the Attendance Policy. After debating accountability from management, we were able to agree on February 18, 2013 as the effective date of enforcement.
What does this date mean to our members?
It means that any sick calls and tardies prior to February 18, 2013 will not count against you.
What do you need to do now?
You need to go to your director to review your file and make sure any incidents of tardies and sick calls prior to February 18, 2013 are taken off your record.
Hundreds of members will benefit from this and for some members, depending on their attendance record, their Corrective Action will be cleared. Please make sure you are familiar with and know the Attendance Policy.
Victory #2: Wound Care
Our second grievance, and a sensitive issue that affected approximately 70 of our members, involved skin break down and wound care. Approximately 70 RNs received written warnings for issues regarding the wound care policy. Our officers presented this grievance to the CNO, the HR Director and the Director of ICU/TELE/Emerson. We discussed the lack of training and education provided to staff on wound care and hospital policy. We also brought up questions regarding continuity of care and available resources.
Management felt their past education and training was adequate and took the position that the written warning would stay as is. After continued debate and discussion, everyone agreed that rather than being punitive, we would use this as an opportunity for education. The hospital agreed to remove the written warning from our UNAC/UHCP members, reducing it to a documented verbal warning.
What you should do now
Please carefully review Beverly Hospital’s wound care and pressure ulcers policies, because Management has stated that failure by RNs to comply fully with policies and procedures will result in formal discipline. Use resources such as your wound care nurse, and ask your nurse supervisor if you have questions.
Click here to download a leaflet with more information to print and share with co-workers.
Thank you to all who helped with the grievances!
If you have any questions, click here to email your BHRNA officers at