
Beverly Bargaining Update: June 23, 2011

June 2011


While management offered free massages at the hospital, they ignored your collective voice at the bargaining table!!


When was the last time YOU had ‘Breakfast for Lunch’? Management has interpreted labor law to force our RNs to be sent to ‘lunch’ at 9:00 when their shift starts at 7:00 and passes the buck to the union. Shouldn’t we be passing meds instead? Come participate in the battle over the solution we have proposed.

You said ‘YES’ to Union membership -- Management continues to say ‘NO’!!  Management proposes NO MEMBERSHIP SECURITY for Beverly RNs!!

What does that mean for you??

Beverly RNs worked hard to win our union election. Management refuses to accept our proposal to maintain our membership for the term of our contract! Let’s send a strong, unified message to Beverly management. We need the support of all RNs to win this fight. Expect a ‘Call to Action’ from your CAT or BT member in the next week.

By the way, we were able to TA (tentatively agree) to two more proposals (for a grand total of six), in spite of management’s failure to respect Beverly RN voices.

Future bargaining dates are: July 7, 20 and 28 and August 11, 17 and 25; location TBD

Please note: No negotiations are scheduled next week.

Your involvement = a strong contract!!

Actions do speak louder than words so please speak loudly and join us!!

Come out and see your team in action!!