
Bargaining for You – Parkview Update

March 2011

Congratulations to the Parkview Registered Nurses Association negotiating team on a very successful first day at the bargaining table!! Kudos and much gratitude go out to our members for a record turnout to support our team during both morning and afternoon sessions!

Our team offered 17 proposals to Parkview’s management team and by the end of the day and some healthy discussion at the table, 14 of those proposals were TA’d (agreed to). This is remarkable progress for one day. Much of this success is due to our members’ compelling, physical presence at negotiations.

Our next scheduled negotiating day is Wednesday, April 13, 10:00 am in the Founder’s Center Boardroom. Continue to show your support and the strength of your union by attending negotiations. Bring another member!!

For more information please contact a member of your PRNA Negotiating Team:
Debby Cruz, RN, NICU
Judy Vargas, RN, ICU
Linda Hippolyte, RN, Admit Unit
Viera Daniels, RN, Peds
Jackie Johnson, RN, ASC
Or Penny Brown @ #909-263-9198