
Bargaining for our Future

July 2015


The Corona RN Bargaining Team remains steadfast in finalizing their first ever Collective Bargaining Agreement. Negotiations with UHS-Corona management began last fall and while first contracts are always the toughest, the RN Bargaining team is holding strong as they continue to exchange proposals with management. A number of Tentative Agreements have been reached and progress is being made as the team pushes forward.

Click here to keep up with Corona bargaining.


The Pettis Memorial Registered Nurses Association (PMRNA) Bargaining Team began negotiations for a new union contract in May. The PMRNA Bargaining Team bargained over ground rules and expectations for future bargaining sessions, as stipulated by their current agreement. The team reached agreement on a set of ground rules and are ready to tackle the outdated Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

Click here for Pettis bargaining updates.