
PROPOSITION RECOMMENDATIONS – June 8, 2010 California Election Ballot

June 2010


AFSCME California, after a comprehensive review process, has developed a list of recommendations for the ballot propositions.  These are only recommendations and we hope you take them into consideration when deciding how to vote.

(UNAC/UHCP is a member of AFSCME California through our affiliation with AFSCME International.  UNAC/UHCP delegates serve in the decision-making process for AFSCME California by voting on important issues like ballot propositions.)

Prop 13: Seismic Retrofitting — YES

Places into law current general practice surrounding state-mandated seismic retrofits.

Prop 14: Open Primary — NO

“Top Two Primaries Act” would provide for a “voter-nominated primary election” for each state elective office and congressional office in California. Unfortunately, this proposition would also allow candidates to identify their “party affiliation” as whatever they choose.  In other words, voters would not be able to tell if they were voting for a Republican, Democrat or other.  

Prop 15: Publicly Financed Elections — YES

Proposition 15, the California Fair Elections Act, was put on the June 2010 ballot by the Legislature and Governor to create a pilot project providing voluntary public financing for candidates running for Secretary of State in 2014 and 2018.

Prop 16: Blocks Public Power — NO

Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) recently qualified ballot initiative – Proposition 16 – would lock-in high electricity rates by killing competition from outside energy providers and the public itself. Current law allows communities to purchase their power on the open market. PG&E wants to stop local communities from exercising their right to cleaner and cheaper alternatives.

Prop 17: Car Insurance Costs — NO

The initiative is written and funded by Mercury Insurance in order to allow the company to raise insurance prices by imposing penalties and surcharges that are illegal now. The initiative could raise premiums for drivers who did not carry auto insurance coverage in the past, even if they didn’t have a car, by hundreds of dollars. And, by making auto insurance more expensive, the Mercury Insurance initiative will lead to more people driving.