
Another Delegation Visits Beverly Hospital to Demand Quality Care

February 2012

This morning members of the Clean Carwash Campaign, led by Felipe Villareal, visited Beverly Hospital to talk to CEO Gary Kiff about quality and safe patient care. CEO Kiff sent Human Resources Director John Barnes to speak to the delegation, who delivered a letter for Kiff.

“The Beverly nurses are fighting for basic rights for their patients,” said Villareal, “by urging the hospital to fix broken down equipment, purchase new equipment and improve the deterioration of the hospital, such as its leaking ceiling.”

The delegation was comprised of six members of the Campaign’s Leadership Brigade who organized for better working conditions at Southern California’s carwashes. They were fired in retaliation, but later got their jobs back when California State Attorney General Kamala Harris won a $1 million settlement against a prominent car wash owner. The Clean Carwash Campaign signed their first union carwash contract in October.

“We thank the Registered Nurses for fighting for their patients,” said Villareal, “and for remaining strong during managements’ stalling at the negotiating table.”

Sign the Beverly Nurses' online petition at www.demandqualitycare.org