
St. Francis


Scott Byington, RN
Edwin Guardado, RN
Vice President
Unit: Critical Care/Telemetry
Ana Bergeron, RN
Rosa Carcamo, RN

Staff Representatives

Sandra Marques, RN
Staff Representative
Email: sandi.marques@unacuhcp.org

St. Francis News

SFRNA Bargaining Update: June 15, 2011

Posted on June 15, 2011

We have reached agreement on most of the non-economic issues. The following issues are now outstanding and next week we expect to exchange proposals on:     – Specialty Grid     – Wages     – Health Benefits     – Staffing “The fear of speaking only goes away when you start speaking up for yourself and for […]

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June 14 Bargaining Update

Posted on June 14, 2011

RN Bargaining Team Improves Job Security Today the RN Bargaining Team and St. Francis management reached agreement on: * Discipline and Discharge * Leaves of Absences * Job Postings and Filling of Vacancies We made improvement in the language, strengthening our rights and protections. Among the issues we won today, is the right to have […]

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Get the Latest News

Posted on June 2, 2011

In the last year, UNAC/UHCP has emailed out critical information to members about contract negotiations, license notices, and health care benefits. Don’t be left out because we don’t have your email address. Send us your email address at publicaffairs@unacuhcp.org along with your name and your affiliate.

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St. Francis Negotiations Kick Off – May/June’11 Voice

Posted on June 2, 2011

On May 16 the SFRNA contract negotiations opened. The contract expires on June 30, 2011. Additional negotiation sessions have been scheduled for June 14, 15, 20, 23, and 24.

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Everyday Leader – Ahsan Haque, RN

Posted on June 2, 2011

I have a lot of friends that work in non-union hospitals. When their management makes a decision, there’s nothing they can do about it. That’s the way it has to be in a non-union hospital.

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Bargaining Update: May 31, 2011

Posted on June 1, 2011

On May 17, the SFRNA Bargaining Team gave St. Francis management a comprehensive proposal to address staffing issues and the shortage of support staff. (View our proposal here.) Unfortunately, St Francis management did not provide any response to our concerns on staffing. Instead of addressing staffing issues, St. Francis gave us proposals that are substandard […]

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SFRNA Negotiations Update: May 18, 2011

Posted on May 18, 2011

Three days of marathon bargaining have ended, and here’s what SFRNA Nurses have to say: “Negotiations cover many important RN concerns. Each proposal carries just as much weight as the previous and affects my practice in its entirety.” –Celestine, 7th Floor Med-Surg “Our issues are not dealt with in a timely manner by management.” –Cora […]

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SFRNA Negotiations: May 17, 2011

Posted on May 17, 2011

Bargaining Team Presents New Proposals: Professional Practice Standards & Delivery of Safe Outstanding Care On Tuesday, SFRNA Bargaining Team members presented a new proposal to address the various staffing concerns raised by members. Bargaining Team members spoke up about our ability to deliver safe, quality care. Rosa Carcamo ER RN, told Management, “The ER Department […]

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St. Francis Bargaining Update: May 16, 2011

Posted on May 16, 2011

St. Frances Registered Nurses Association and St. Francis Medical Center Negotiations started this morning at Long Beach Marriott in Long Beach. The Bargaining Team felt strongly supported by the tremendous turn out during the first day. After the Introduction and opening statements, Management made presentations on financial status and pension information. Our Bargaining Team presented […]

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Let’s Get This Bargaining Party Started!

Posted on April 14, 2011

St. Francis is a strong hospital because we’ve got a good contract that guarantees a voice and respect for nurses—the backbone of the hospital. We must do what it takes to keep it that way. Come to the Bargaining Kick-Off and attend all bargaining sessions.

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