St. Francis


Vice President
Unit: Critical Care/Telemetry


Staff Representatives
St. Francis News
Governor Vetoes Safe Staffing Bill
Posted on October 1, 2012
UNAC/UHCP Bill Would Have Added Enforcement Measures to State’s Landmark Nursing Staff Ratios
Governor Now Has Chance to Strengthen State’s Landmark Patient Safety Law
Posted on August 27, 2012
Help This Bill Become Law! RNs: Click here to send an email to California Governor Jerry Brown asking him to sign SB 1246! (Everyone else, click here)
BRN Renewals
Posted on August 23, 2012
Renewing your BRN license this year? Be smart and do it early or do it online. Word is there have been delays in processing license renewals this year. Don’t get caught in the system. Online, early, or both!
Media Training
Posted on July 18, 2012
On July 17th, SFRNA participated in the UNAC/UHCP media class delivered by the UNAC/UHCP Public Affairs team at SFMC. Diane Thomas (4th floor), Scott Byington (MAP), Jeff Cochran (ICU), Maria Rosas (4th floor), Marlene Castanon (ICU), Rosa Carmarco (ER), and Sandi Marques (cath lab/Angio) reviewed and learned new communication skills that will facilitate their ability […]
Become a Delegate for the UNAC/UHCP Convention in San Diego
Posted on June 21, 2012
The 2012 UNAC/UHCP Convention is just around the corner, on October 21-24 in San Diego. Join hundreds of your colleagues to conduct union business in sunny San Diego. The best way to be in the know is to be there! In years past, convention delegates have helped to plot the course for the future, elected […]
Proposed “Temporary Waiver” in Budget Would Waive Staffing Ratios During Meal Breaks
Posted on June 14, 2012
The proposed language would allow hospitals to waive the staffing ratios on all units during meals and breaks. “The UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME legislative team immediately developed a plan to actively oppose the language and to inform the legislators that UNAC/UHCP, AFSCME would never support anything that would threaten the staffing ratios that California Registered Nurses worked so hard to achieve and the patients deserve,” said Barbara Blake, RN, UNAC/UHCP State Secretary/Treasurer. Click here to read UNAC/UHCP’s letter of opposition to the proposed language.
UNAC/UHCP Celebrates Nurses Week
Posted on May 11, 2012
After starting Nurses Week with a recap of how far we’d come in the year since last Nurses Week, thousands of UNAC/UHCP nurses employed by Kaiser got a special Nurses Week gift–a Tentative Agreement on a fantastic new contract. Details are forthcoming. We have a photo gallery of the UNAC/UHCP celebrations that took place all over Southern California. Read all about it!
Happy Nurses Week!
Posted on May 6, 2012
During Nurses Week on May 6-12, we thank our strongest advocates for patients: Registered Nurses. Thank you for all that you do for this union!
SFRNA April General Meeting Presentation
Posted on April 20, 2012
April 17 General Membership Meeting presentation now available online! Did you miss the GMM, or want to review what was discussed? In this presentation, you’ll find information about the following: * Important FYIs * Specialty 3: BSN * Registry Grievances Update * OR Grievances Update * Floating Committee Update * UNAC/UHCP 2012 Convention * SFRNA […]