
SPNN President

SPNN Vice President

SPNN Treasurer

SPNN Secretary
Chairs and Co-Chairs

Chair (Coronado)

Co-Chair (Coronado)

Chair (Grossmont)

Co-Chair (Grossmont)

Chair (Chula Vista)

Co-Chair (Chula Vista)

Chair (Mesa Vista)

Co-Chair (Mesa Vista)

Chair (Non-Hospital)

Co-Chair (Non-Hospital)

Chair (Mary Birch)
Staff Representatives
Sharp News
Sharp Nurses and Management Reach Tentative Contract Settlement to Address RN Recruitment & Retention
Posted on December 2, 2016
The registered nurses of Sharp HealthCare have reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract, after months of negotiations which saw a November 28 strike by the Sharp nurses narrowly averted by last minute negotiations.
SPNN Bargaining: Tentative Agreement Reached
Posted on December 2, 2016
We are pleased to announce that we reached a tentative agreement on a new three-year contract for SPNN.
SPNN Bargaining Update #20
Posted on November 30, 2016
Your SPNN bargaining team met with Sharp management again today and had good discussions on all outstanding contract issues. While no tentative agreements were reached today, we were able to narrow our issues to the ones most important to you, and the ones which will result in a fair contract for all RNs.
SPNN Bargaining Update #19
Posted on November 27, 2016
Our Union withdrew the 10-day notice to strike after a series of last minute agreements were reached early Sunday evening.
SPNN Bargaining Update #18
Posted on November 23, 2016
After three days of intense negotiations, Sharp management has not met your expectations. Management is refusing to address all of our core bargaining priorities. This failure will continue to exacerbate the ongoing recruitment and retention crisis.
SPNN Bargaining Update #17
Posted on November 22, 2016
The SPNN bargaining team met with management on November 22. Some progress was made at the bargaining table, but no significant movement was made on our core bargaining priorities. The picket sign making party will take place on November 27 – spread the word!
Important ULP Strike Information for Sharp RNs
Posted on November 21, 2016
In the past few days, management for Sharp HealthCare has disseminated misleading information to frighten Sharp RNs and stop Sharp RNs from exercising their rights under the National Labor Relations Act. Management for Sharp understands the power that the nurses have standing together and they are doing everything in their power to weaken your resolve.
SPNN Bargaining Update #16
Posted on November 21, 2016
The SPNN bargaining team met with Sharp management on November 20 for roughly five hours. Joe Mansolillo, the Federal mediator, facilitated the meeting. The November 20 session is the first of a series of meetings that will occur this week in an attempt to reach a tentative contract that would be acceptable to SPNN RNs.
SPNN Bargaining Update #15
Posted on November 18, 2016
On November 18, Sharp management sent a letter to our Union offering to meet and bargain during Thanksgiving week.
We Will Strike November 28-30
Posted on November 17, 2016
Today we submitted a 10-day strike notice to management for a ULP strike to begin at 0700 (7:00 am) on November 28, 2016. The strike will last for 3 days. A strike is always a last resort. But we must do whatever it takes to stop Sharp’s repeated violations of federal labor law and refusal to address patient care problems caused by an escalating crisis in nurse turnover.