Lakewood (Tenet)


Vice President


Staff Representatives
Lakewood (Tenet) News
Lakewood RNs in the Community
Posted on July 30, 2016
Lakewood RNs were out in the community on Thursday, July 28 for a first aid booth at the Summer Concert Series in the Park in the city of Lakewood.
Our New Executive Director
Posted on July 26, 2016
Bill Rouse has been named UNAC/UHCP Executive Director. To say this has been a long time coming is an understatement. Bill has held many roles in his 18 years at UNAC/UHCP.
Lakewood Ratification Vote Meetings: August 1st
Posted on July 25, 2016
Last week, our bargaining team reached a tentative agreement on a new three year contract for RNs at Lakewood. The details and specifics of this agreement will be provided at ratification meetings on Monday, August 1. It is important that everyone shows up and participates.
UNAC/UHCP Members Staff Save a Life Swimming Safety Event in Lakewood
Posted on July 25, 2016
Lakewood Registered Nurses Association members Lorraine Bellinis, RN, Fran Monroy, RN, Sujata Ghimire, RN, and Myrna Johnstone, RN, volunteered on Saturday for the Save A Life summer safety event in Lakewood where they demonstrated CPR, provided sunscreen and staffed a first aid booth.
Lakewood RNs Reach Tentative Agreement
Posted on July 22, 2016
At the July 21 bargaining session, a tentative agreement was reached on a new contract for Lakewood registered nurses. Therefore, bargaining for July 22 has been cancelled. Ratification meetings will be announced soon. Stay tuned for more information.
LRNA Bargaining Continues July 20
Posted on July 18, 2016
Your LRNA Bargaining Team will continue contract negotiations with hospital management on July 20. Show your support by attending bargaining sessions. It takes all of us working together and participating to get a strong contract!
#makethecall for Veterans
Posted on July 4, 2016
UNAC/UHCP supports the efforts of the Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation’s launch of the #makethecall campaign to assist veterans struggling with PTSD.
Giving Back to Our Veterans
Posted on July 4, 2016
This year, UNAC/UHCP is celebrating Independence Day by giving back to the brave men and women who have served our country.
37th UNAC/UHCP Convention Call
Posted on May 27, 2016
Announcing the official Convention Call to the 37th UNAC/UHCP Convention. This year the convention will be held from October 2 – 5, 2016. The theme for convention is Growing Stronger Together. During the convention, an election will be held for Executive Vice President, Treasurer and three Board of Director seats.
UNAC/UHCP Takes On Sacramento
Posted on May 26, 2016
During the weekend of March 11th, a delegation of UNAC/UHCP members and state officers traveled to Sacramento for the biennial AFSCME California PEOPLE Convention. The attendees included UNAC/UHCP President Denise Duncan, RN, State Secretary Charmaine Morales, RN, State Treasurer Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP, Milan Bubnevich, RN (Kaiser San Diego), Sandra Chun, RT (UTSC), Michelle Lanorias, RN […]