
Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5

Vice President
Unit: ICU, Cath Lab

Unit: T4, MCH, Peds, OB, L&D
Cell: 562-335-8699

Unit: PACU, OR, Cath Lab, GI, T5
Staff Representatives
Beverly News
Get the Latest News
Posted on June 2, 2011
In the last year, UNAC/UHCP has emailed out critical information to members about contract negotiations, license notices, and health care benefits. Don’t be left out because we don’t have your email address. Send us your email address at along with your name and your affiliate.
Beverly RNs Head to the Bargaining Table – May/June’11 Voice
Posted on June 2, 2011
The Beverly Community Hospital Registered Nurses elected the bargaining team on April 21, 2011. Those elected are: Veronica “Vero” Arellano, T3/Telemetry, Kathy Bennett, T5/Med/Surg, Zeidy Gomez, MCH/Peds, Marlene Ontiveros, T4/Med/Surg, Maria Salcido, T5, Med/Surg, Isaac Saroia, OR/PACU/OPS/Cath & GI Labs, Fred Young, SCU/ICU, and Wilhelmina “Mina” Zulueta, ECC. Bargaining commenced on May 5, 2011. The […]
Beverly Bargaining Update: May 26, 2011
Posted on May 26, 2011
Congratulations to the Beverly Bargaining Team and Contract Action Team for completing our second day of negotiations and successfully agreeing to our first Article and continuing to work on multiple issues in many other proposals. Conversation at the table was lively and many ideas were exchanged and explored. Many thanks to the bargaining unit and […]
Elected Leaders Celebrate With Beverly Nurses
Posted on May 17, 2011
UNAC/UHCP recognized local elected and community leaders for the support they gave Beverly Nurses voting to form their union.
Beverly Bargaining Update: May 5, 2011
Posted on May 6, 2011
Congratulations to all of us, the Beverly Hospital Registered Nurses, for successful completion of our first day of bargaining. The membership turned out in force to energize the room and emphasize our union solidarity to management.
Celebration for San Gabriel Valley Leaders
Posted on May 4, 2011
United Nurses Associations of California/United Health Care Professionals and the Beverly Nurses Contract Action Team invite you to a celebration in recognition of our San Gabriel Valley elected and community leaders, who stood with us in our fight to win our union at Beverly Hospital.
We’ve Chosen Our Team for the Bargaining Table
Posted on April 22, 2011
We’ve Chosen Our Team for the Bargaining Table Beverly RNs made a good showing at the election station yesterday across from the hospital’s main entrance.We came out in three shifts throughout the day to cast our votes. The votes have been counted, and we have our Bargaining Team! Thanks are due to all of the […]
Beverly Hospital Nurses Vote to Join UNAC/UHCP
Posted on February 24, 2011
Registered Nurses at Beverly Hospital seeking to rectify long standing patient safety issues at the facility voted by a wide margin to join UNAC/UHCP.
Beverly Nurses Take First Step Toward Patient Safety
Posted on January 15, 2011
Nurses File for a Union Election to Join UNAC/UHCP In Order to Protect Patients Montebello – Registered Nurses at Beverly Hospital filed for an official union election with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) this morning, as they seek to rectify long standing patient safety issues at the facility by joining the United Nurses Associations […]