
Affiliate Officer Elections: Candidate Statements

December 2017

Note: This web page is posted on behalf of candidate(s) for affiliate officer positions, who are solely responsible for its content. The views and/or opinions expressed in this web page are those of the candidate(s). UNAC/UHCP does not endorse or otherwise support any candidate for union office. UNAC/UHCP does not review, control, or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, or completeness of information contained on this web page. All candidates for affiliate office have been given the option to submit a biography and photo for posting on our website.

A union may not regulate the contents of campaign literature it is asked to distribute and may not require that it be permitted to read the literature before distribution. The union may not censor campaign literature in any way, even if the literature includes derogatory remarks about other candidates. A union’s contention that mailing certain campaign literature may constitute libel does not justify a refusal to distribute the literature since the union is under a legal duty to distribute the material.


The ballots have been mailed out for select 2018 affiliate officer elections. Click on the affiliate names below to view candidate statements.

The deadline to return your completed ballot by mail for the affiliates listed below is 10:00am on January 16, 2018.

Kaiser Permanente Midwife and Wound Ostomy Nurses (KPMWON)

Specialty Care Nurses of Southern California  (SCNSC)

United Therapists of Southern California (UTSC)

Garden Grove Registered Nurses Association (GGRNA)

United Pharmacists of Southern California (UPSC)


DUPLICATE BALLOTS: If you do not receive your ballot packet by December 26, 2017, or make a mistake in marking your ballot, please call UniLect toll free at 1-855-240-0363 as soon as possible to request a duplicate ballot. Operators are standing by and available 24/7 throughout the election period. You will need to let them know which affiliate you are with and/or that you are a member of UNAC/UHCP.