
Advanced Labor Management Graduates Head Back to Their Affiliates

May 2011

UNAC/UHCP's Advanced Labor Management training teaches UNAC/UHCP members how to serve as effective affiliate representatives throughout the grievance and arbitration processes. During the most recent class, held May 18 and 19, training attendee Yolanda Brown, RN, from Kaiser South Bay, said she attended to the class to learn “how to be the best I can be for our members.” Registered Nurse Erica Garcia, Kaiser San Diego, said she hoped to graduate from the labor management courses "being able to stand up for and defend our rights.”

For more information on UNAC/UHCP’s Basic and/or Advanced Labor Management Training offerings, please visit our Meetings/Classes/Events webpage on our website: http://archive.unacuhcp.org/members/meetings-classes-events/