
A Victory for Nurses’ Rights at Sharp

December 2008

UNAC/UHCP members at Sharp HealthCare in San Diego have won a significant victory. An arbitrator on December 17 ruled that Sharp is required to allow a union representative to attend meetings and represent bargaining unit members in those meetings with the employer when members are seeking accommodation because of their medical or physical limitations, and when the union member requests union attendance.

The arbitrator said that Sharp violates the union contract when it refuses to let a union rep attend these meetings and directed Sharp to allow union reps to attend and participate in these meetings. In short, the arbitrator has ruled in the union’s favor and re-affirms members' right to have a union rep present at meetings where work accommodations due to medical or physical limitations are discussed.

This victory comes as a result of a grievance UNAC/UHCP filed earlier this year. Nurses at Sharp who have any questions should call their staff rep at the UNAC/UHCP office, 619-280-5401.