
37th UNAC/UHCP Convention Call

May 2016

Nominations for State Offices:

Nominations for Executive Vice President and Treasurer are now open and remain open until the close of the business session on Monday, October 3, 2016. Currently, the UNAC/UHCP Executive Vice President seat is currently vacant, and Jettie Deden-Castillo, NP is the UNAC/UHCP Treasurer. Both the Executive Vice President and Treasurer serve four year terms, and will automatically serve as a delegate to the NUHHCE and AFSCME conventions.

Nominations for three Board of Director seats are now open and will remain open until the close of the business session on Monday, October 3, 2016. Board members serve for four year terms. The three seats up for election at the Convention are currently held by Pam Brodersen, NP, Cindy Klein, RN, and Belinda Redding, RN.

The State Constitution, Section 606, specifies the eligibility requirements for election to a State office. The member must: (1) be a member in good standing for at least two years immediately preceding the election; (2) have practiced the profession of nursing for at least three years, or is a professional employee as defined in Section 301 and delivered health care for at least three years; (3) have been a member of an Affiliate for at least two years; and (4) not be a member in a bargaining unit represented exclusively by another labor organization, except the United Nurses Staff Union.

To submit an online nomination click here. Those who need to submit offline can email or call the Admin Department at admin@unacuhcp.org or 909-599-8622 for more information on mail-based nominations.

Election of Convention Delegates:

Per Article X, Section 1001 of the State Constitution, two (2) delegates to the UNAC/UHCP Convention may be elected by each Affiliate having a membership of fifty (50) or less. For each additional fifty (50) members or major fraction thereof, two (2) additional delegates may be elected.

Section 1003 states that all members in good standing for six(6) months immediately preceding convention shall be eligible to vote and be elected. A reasonable notice shall be given both for nominations and elections of convention delegates. Nominations for convention delegates shall open on Monday, May 23 and close on Tuesday, June 7, 2016. To submit an online nomination click here.

Notification will be provided to Affiliate Officers informing the number of delegates allotted upon receipt of the full per capita tax of the affiliate, paid through the sixth (6th) month preceding the convention date.

Proposal of a Constitutional Amendment:

Constitutional amendments must be submitted in writing to UNAC/UHCP Secretary Charmaine Morales, RN by Tuesday, July, 5, 2016. Section 1403 of the State Constitution states the amendments must be received by the UNAC/UHCP Secretary at least 90 days prior to the convening of the Convention. The amendments will then be sent by the UNAC/UHCP Secretary to the affiliates at least 60 days before the Convention convenes.

Per Article XIV, Sections 1401-1402, proposed amendments to the UNAC/UHCP Constitution may be submitted to the State Convention by request of the Executive Council, Board of Directors or an affiliate. If an amendment is proposed by an affiliate, the amendment must include the signatures of at least two (2) elected officers of the affiliate, certifying the amendment was approved for submission to the Convention by the policy-making body or membership of the affiliate.

Proposed amendments may also be submitted to the State Convention by a signed petition of 25% of the members of any affiliate in good standing.


Affiliate resolutions must be submitted in writing to UNAC/UHCP Secretary no later than Friday, September 23, 2016. Section 1014 of the State Constitution states the resolutions must be in the Secretary’s hand no later than ten (10) days prior to the convening of the Convention. The UNAC/UHCP Secretary shall submit all Affiliate resolutions and any recommendations of the Board of Directors to the Chairperson of the appropriate committee.

Section 1015, states that resolutions on different subjects must be typewritten on separate papers and only on one side of the paper. They must be properly signed by the President/Co-Chairs and Secretary of the Affiliate submitting the resolution.