
Fountain Valley Contract Ratified

July 2013

FVPA-Ratification-2013On June 28, we had the largest turnout for a ratification vote in the history of FVPA! Ninety-five percent of those who turned out voted to ratify the contract. The new three year contract includes transformative changes such as a wage grid, strict cost controls on healthcare premiums, maintenance of benefits and a process for our next contract that will give us opportunities for greater unity and power in bargaining.

"This is your contract," said Wendy Burrell, RN, FVPA Co-Chair, RN Staff. "You did this by getting involved, coming to negotiations, and participating in the process. Thank you to all the members who took part in shaping the great contract we earned."

"We owe it to ourselves to stay educated, active, and involved now that the contract is a reality," said Susan Adamson-Nelson, CLS, Co-Chair, Medical/Professional Staff. "Make it a point to know what's changed in our contract, and hold management accountable. Thanks again to everyone who came to bargaining and provided input in this process. This really is all because of the support and participation of the members. We did it!"